Complementary Therapies To Support Healing
Finding the Right Service for You

Massage, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Support Groups & More
Not sure which complementary therapies to choose? Our patient navigator will work with you to develop a plan that integrates seamlessly with your western medicine treatment. Ongoing, she will consult with you and assist with any needed changes.

Making It Affordable
At CSS, we never turn anyone away due to an inability to pay. That’s why we offer our services on a sliding scale basis. We want you to find a payment level you can sustain for the duration of your treatment and into your recovery. Talk to the patient navigator about setting a fee schedule that works for you.

Classes & Services
Oncology Yoga,
Community Acupuncture, Medical Qigong and our End of Life Doula program - are now being offered. Learn more about these services and classes below.
Learn more about community acupuncture here.
Our Services

These methods have been shown to reduce the side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy and interferon. A consensus panel convened by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1997 concluded there is clear evidence that needle acupuncture treatment is effective in relieving postoperative and chemotherapy nausea and vomiting. Acupuncture and herbs are also known to help reduce stress, boost the immune system and provide a general sense of balance and well-being.
Community Acupuncture
Affordable acupuncture in a group setting. Come get needled with your friends! Everyone is welcome at these twice weekly sessions. Our licensed acupuncturists provide a relaxing, 40-minute treatment in a quiet environment giving you time to unwind, rest and heal. If you’ve never tried acupuncture before this is a great way to experience it. Our treatment room accommodates up to 10 people in comfortable lounge chairs. Click the image or see our Events Calendar for more details.

Naturopathic Consultation
A naturopathic consultation applies in-depth knowledge of nutrition, herbal medicine and supplements. It will help you avoid redundancy and contraindications with other herbs, supplements and western medications that can happen when individuals self-prescribe. All of the medications, herbs and supplements you are currently taking will be reviewed to come up with an effective, supportive regime to help you mitigate side effects and support wellness goals through your treatment and recovery process.

Oncology Massage
Oncology massage is the modification of massage techniques in order to safely work with the effects of cancer and cancer treatment. It benefits people in active treatment, those in recovery or survivorship as well as those at the end of life. Clinical research supports the use of oncology massage in reducing pain and anxiety. Clients have also reported the many benefits of massage which include improved sleep, decreased sense of isolation, enhanced body image and increased feelings of well-being.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is a healing art focused on supporting the health of the whole person. It is grounded in the belief that Health is a deep and abiding part of our essential nature. We use educated gentle, non-invasive touch to engage the expressions of health in the human system. BCST supports the nervous system regulation and allows the resolution of conditions resulting from stress and trauma. Clients report feeling more energy, resilience, mental clarity and calm. Areas of pain and discomfort often find ease.

Ayurveda Consultation
Known as the Science of Life, Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of health care in the world. Its approach encompasses diet and lifestyle, herbs and yoga with an emphasis on prevention, and on bringing about and maintaining harmony in the body. Ayurveda considers physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of wellness to maintain optimal health. It asserts we are beings within Nature, affected by natural rhythms and seasons. Ayurveda treats not just the disease but the whole person, with an emphasis on prevention rather than cure of symptoms.

Therapeutic Massage
Defined as the mobilization of soft tissue, therapeutic massage restores normal systemic and functional use of both muscle and body fluids. It can be used to assist in the treatment of most musculo-skeletal and associated problems. Regular Therapeutic Massage Therapy results in improved circulatory, lymphatic and neurological functioning. It relieves stress, can be stimulating or soothing, and helps to create inner balance and harmony.

Ayurveda Reflexology
Using warm healing oils, pressure is applied on specific parts of your feet, hands and ears to provide relief from discomfort, pain, neuropathy, stress, insomnia and other issues related to cancer. Ayurveda Reflexology improves circulation, removes toxins, and organs and glands have improved function. When the principles of Ayurveda are brought together with contemporary Western reflexology, we have a powerful marriage of knowledge, and a new, dynamic approach to wellness.

Jin Shin Jyutsu
Jin Shin Jyutsu is translated as the “Art of the Creator through the person of compassion.” This gentle form of Japanese acupressure seeks to restore balance to the body’s natural energy flow patterns. Illness, injury and stress can cause energy to become disrupted causing a wide variety of symptoms and ailments. By gently applying hands on different areas of the body in a specialized pattern, energy is stimulated to reawaken and move harmoniously through the energy pathways. Jin Shin Jyutsu can be helpful in decreasing side effects from treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.

Individual Counseling
In these sessions we use Integrative Psychotherapy which refers to the bringing together of the emotional/mental, physical and spiritual systems within an individual. This work, which can be short-term or in-depth, includes the use of guided imagery, mindfulness-based stress reduction (meditation) and other forms of psychotherapy. Through dialogue and understanding, individual counseling helps individuals, their families and caregivers around living with illness, loss and chronic pain.

In-Person Support Groups
This welcoming support group offers a comfortable place to talk about your experiences with others living with cancer. Members can share feelings and experiences that may seem too awkward or too difficult to share with family and friends. Anyone living with cancer, at any stage of diagnosis and treatment, may join. Groups meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays each month, 9:30 - 11:00 am at Cancer Support Sonoma. See our Events Calendar for more details.

Oncology Yoga
Oncology yoga is specifically designed to meet physical and emotional needs of cancer patients and survivors, and to reduce the impact of side effects from traditional cancer treatment. Classes also help to rebuild muscle strength and bone density, boost the immune system, increase energy, support emotional well being. And, they meet the American Cancer Society recommendation for recovery and prevention of cancer reoccurrence. This is the first of its kind yoga class offered in the Sonoma Valley. Classes are held weekly at Cancer Support Sonoma. See our Events Calendar for more information.

Medical QiGong
Qigong is a mind-body practice that originated in China nearly five thousand years ago. It is one of four main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Healing occurs through balancing Qi or electromagnetic energy. Qigong integrates movement, meditation and breath regulation to improve physical and emotional health. The movements are slow, gentle, flowing, repetitious, and weight bearing and can be adapted or practiced while sitting, standing or walking. Classes are offered as a weekly series and led by a certified Medical Qigong practitioner (M.Q.P.).

End Of Life Doula
An End of Life Doula provides support to the dying person and their loved ones during this challenging time. Unlike hospice, the doula doesn’t provide medical care. But they provide many other important services including emotional, physical and spiritual support. They also offer much-needed respite and logistical assistance for the caregiver. CSS is able to offer this comforting service thanks to the generous support of the Susan Lundquist End of Life Doula Foundation.

Meet Our Practioners
All of our practitioners are experienced in oncology care. They are dedicated to helping cancer patients thrive and get back to more fully living their lives.